





來源:http://www.yxxjq.com/  發(fā)布時間:2024-07-06 瀏覽次數(shù):0


  1. Welding gap


  Welding gap, also known as corresponding gap, refers to the gap between welded components. The welding gap is directly related to the welding quality.


  When the welding gap is too small, the weld seam is not easy to penetrate; When the welding gap is too large, it will increase the difficulty of welding. Excessive filling will affect the welding progress, increase welding stress, and easily cause welding deformation.


  2. Blunt edge size


  Blunt edge size is also known as groove size. For the U-shaped groove, it also includes the size of the arc-shaped r


  Blunt edges that are too large or too small can affect welding quality. Blunt edges that are too small can cause burn through, while blunt edges that are too large can cause incomplete penetration. If the blunt edges on both sides of the joint are too large or too small at the same time, it is easier to control penetration by adjusting the current.


  If one side is large and the other side is small, if low current is chosen, it will not solder through. If high current is used, it will burn through. Therefore, this situation should be given sufficient attention, especially in single-sided welding and double-sided forming welding work.


  U-shaped groove is a groove form that saves welding materials, but the size of the arc R must ensure that the welding rod or wire can easily reach the bottom of the groove for welding.20210308051032537.jpg


  3. Slope angle


  Excessive or insufficient bevel angle can affect welding quality to varying degrees. On the surface, an excessively large groove angle will only lead to more filler metal and longer welding time, thereby affecting economic benefits. However, after welding, another headache inducing issue will arise: increased welding deformation. These issues should be avoided as much as possible.


  If this problem occurs, the following solutions can be found: if the size of the board is large enough, the grooves can be re cut to the correct size; Before assembling the joint, perform overlay welding to ensure that the groove size is correct;


  The bevel angle is too small. The most direct problem caused by a small groove angle is insufficient penetration, which can easily lead to slag inclusion. In addition, insufficient penetration can in some cases affect the effective thickness of the weld, thereby reducing the strength of the weld, so it must be taken seriously.


  Another hidden issue is that the tilt angle is too small, which can easily cause cracks and should be avoided. There is a solution to the problem of small bevel angles by re cutting or grinding the bevel to the correct size. Change the welding method of the root weld bead by appropriately increasing the gap at the root of the groove during assembly.


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