





來源:http://www.yxxjq.com/  發(fā)布時(shí)間:2024-09-02 瀏覽次數(shù):0


  Application and development prospects of automated welding robots and manual welding technology



  It is not unreasonable for fully automatic laser welding robots to grow in various application fields, gradually replacing traditional welding with high-quality welding results.


  The welding effect of the fully automatic laser welding robot is as follows:


  1. The welding speed is fast. A fully automatic laser welding robot is equivalent to the labor of two to three welding workers. Setting system parameters can achieve repetitive work and high production efficiency. Using a fully automatic laser welding robot can save equipment investment and labor costs for enterprises, and improve production efficiency at the same time.


  2. Realize high-precision welding. For the welding of small welded parts, high welding accuracy is required, and traditional welding cannot guarantee quality. The fully automatic welding robot has small beam spots, achieving precise welding of the weld seam. The just right welding material is placed for filling, which is not prone to problems such as welding spatter, welding deviation, and excessive welding.


  3. Welding components have minimal deformation. The fully automatic laser welding robot can intelligently adjust according to the power of the laser, and has strong practicality. Due to the short-term local heating of the fully automatic laser welding robot, the influence of the hot zone is small, and the welding quality is relatively good. When lead-free welding is carried out, there will be no welding seam cracks. Dongguan Chaohong Laser Welding Robot


  4. The weld seam is beautiful and sturdy. After the welding work is completed, a quality inspection of the weld seam is required. The surface of the welded seam is slightly higher than the surface of the welded part and the welding ripples are flat and beautiful. The internal quality is checked by non-destructive testing of the weld seam, and the quality of the inspected weld seam is qualified.

  1. 節(jié)約材料和能源。根據(jù)不同的焊接方式,使用焊接機(jī)器人可以節(jié)約15%到30%的焊材用量 ,同時(shí)也可以降低電力消耗和廢氣排放,提高資源利用率和環(huán)境保護(hù)水平。2. 提高生產(chǎn)效率和質(zhì)量。使用焊接機(jī)器人可以實(shí)現(xiàn)連續(xù)、穩(wěn)定、均勻的焊縫,避免人工焊接的隨意性和波動(dòng)性 ,從而保證了產(chǎn)品的一致性和可靠性。同時(shí),由于焊接機(jī)器人的運(yùn)動(dòng)速度快,操作時(shí)間短,可以大幅提升生產(chǎn)效率 ,縮短交貨周期。3. 適應(yīng)多樣化和復(fù)雜化的需求。使用焊接機(jī)器人可以根據(jù)不同的產(chǎn)品規(guī)格和形狀進(jìn)行靈活調(diào)整,實(shí)現(xiàn)三維立體方向的不規(guī)則焊接,滿足苛刻生產(chǎn)條件下的高精度要求。此外,使用焊接機(jī)器人還可以擴(kuò)展到切割、噴涂等其他工藝領(lǐng)域,增加了產(chǎn)品的附加值和競(jìng)爭(zhēng)力。4. 降低勞動(dòng)力成本和風(fēng)險(xiǎn)。使用焊接機(jī)器人可以減少對(duì)人工操作員的依賴 ,節(jié)省了培訓(xùn)、管理、保健等方面的費(fèi)用,并且避免了操作員在高溫、強(qiáng)光、有毒氣體等惡劣環(huán)境下工作所帶來的身體損傷和職業(yè)病風(fēng)險(xiǎn)。

  1. Save materials and energy. According to different welding methods, using welding robots can save 15% to 30% of welding material usage, while also reducing power consumption and exhaust emissions, improving resource utilization and environmental protection levels. 2. Improve production efficiency and quality. The use of welding robots can achieve continuous, stable, and uniform welds, avoiding the randomness and fluctuation of manual welding, thereby ensuring product consistency and reliability. Meanwhile, due to the fast movement speed and short operation time of welding robots, production efficiency can be greatly improved and delivery cycles can be shortened. 3. Adapt to diverse and complex needs. Welding robots can be flexibly adjusted according to different product specifications and shapes, achieving irregular welding in three-dimensional directions and meeting high-precision requirements under harsh production conditions. In addition, the use of welding robots can also be extended to other process areas such as cutting and spraying, increasing the added value and competitiveness of the product. 4. Reduce labor costs and safety risks. The use of welding robots can reduce reliance on manual operators, save costs in training, management, and healthcare, and avoid physical injury and occupational disease risks caused by operators working in harsh environments such as high temperatures, strong light, and toxic gases.


  In summary, the use of welding robots has significant advantages over manual welding in terms of material conservation, production efficiency, quality control, demand adaptation, cost reduction, and safety assurance. With the advancement of technology and changes in market demand, these advantages will further expand.


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