





來源:http://www.yxxjq.com/  發(fā)布時間:2024-07-25 瀏覽次數(shù):0


  With the "internal competition" in various industries, manufacturers are increasingly focusing on improving effectiveness and efficiency. In the welding and processing of stainless steel and carbon steel, the selection of welding equipment is a "major focus". Many traditional welding processes cannot balance effectiveness and efficiency, often resulting in unsatisfactory results while ensuring welding efficiency. Laser welding machines are popular aluminum welding equipment in recent years, known for their high precision, fast welding, cost savings, and one-time molding effect.20230401083147266.jpg


  Why is it said that using a laser welding machine to weld stainless steel and carbon steel can save costs? We will understand from the aspects of welding machine price, welding effect, maintenance cost, etc.


  1. Price:


  Handheld laser welding machines are generally used for welding stainless steel and carbon steel. This laser welding machine has a high cost performance ratio, with a price range of around 20000 to 70000 yuan, which is considered to be in the upper middle range among all welding equipment. However, those who have used it say that it is worth the price because of its long service life and stable use for 6-8 years without any problems. Overall, the cost is very low.


  2. Welding effect:


  Many friends do not understand the cost saving effect of welding, but those who have worked in the production and processing of stainless steel and carbon steel know that many welding equipment cannot weld once to form, and the welding effect often needs to be polished twice to meet the requirements. Even when the defect rate of welding is too high, the polishing and rework costs of the factory become a considerable expense. Using a laser welding machine to weld stainless steel plates into a single shape, with high welding accuracy, no blackening, deformation, curling, or porosity in the welding effect, reducing the time and labor costs of secondary polishing.


  3. Maintenance cost:


  The third aspect is maintenance costs. The operation of laser welding machines is very simple, but compared to traditional welding equipment, they have undergone many new upgrades and functional improvements, with stable light output. Usually, only gas and lenses are consumables, which are easy to replace and cheap to maintain. This also saves the factory a lot of maintenance costs.


  Overall, the effectiveness and efficiency of laser welding machines are providing assistance for stainless steel and carbon steel welding, not only improving their quality but also effectively saving costs. Laser welding machines can not only weld steel, but also be used for various metal materials, making them highly cost-effective!

  本文由 山東數(shù)控焊接設備 友情奉獻.更多有關的知識請點擊  http://www.yxxjq.com   真誠的態(tài)度.為您提供為的服務.更多有關的知識我們將會陸續(xù)向大家奉獻.敬請期待.

  This article is a friendly contribution from Shandong CNC welding equipment. For more related knowledge, please click http://www.yxxjq.com Sincere attitude. We provide you with comprehensive services. We will gradually contribute more relevant knowledge to everyone. Please stay tuned隨著各行各業(yè)的“內卷”,廠家也越來越注重效果和效率的提升,在不銹鋼和碳鋼的焊接加工方面,對于焊接設備的選擇是一場“重頭戲”。很多傳統(tǒng)焊接工藝都無法兼顧效果和效率,在保證焊接效率的同時往往效果不盡如人意,激光焊接機是近年來流行的鋁材焊接設備,也以精度高、焊接快、省成本、效果一次成型著稱。

  With the "internal competition" in various industries, manufacturers are increasingly focusing on improving effectiveness and efficiency. In the welding and processing of stainless steel and carbon steel, the selection of welding equipment is a "major focus". Many traditional welding processes cannot balance effectiveness and efficiency, often resulting in unsatisfactory results while ensuring welding efficiency. Laser welding machines are popular aluminum welding equipment in recent years, known for their high precision, fast welding, cost savings, and one-time molding effect.


  Why is it said that using a laser welding machine to weld stainless steel and carbon steel can save costs? We will understand from the aspects of welding machine price, welding effect, maintenance cost, etc.


  1. Price:


  Handheld laser welding machines are generally used for welding stainless steel and carbon steel. This laser welding machine has a high cost performance ratio, with a price range of around 20000 to 70000 yuan, which is considered to be in the upper middle range among all welding equipment. However, those who have used it say that it is worth the price because of its long service life and stable use for 6-8 years without any problems. Overall, the cost is very low.


  2. Welding effect:


  Many friends do not understand the cost saving effect of welding, but those who have worked in the production and processing of stainless steel and carbon steel know that many welding equipment cannot weld once to form, and the welding effect often needs to be polished twice to meet the requirements. Even when the defect rate of welding is too high, the polishing and rework costs of the factory become a considerable expense. Using a laser welding machine to weld stainless steel plates into a single shape, with high welding accuracy, no blackening, deformation, curling, or porosity in the welding effect, reducing the time and labor costs of secondary polishing.


  3. Maintenance cost:


  The third aspect is maintenance costs. The operation of laser welding machines is very simple, but compared to traditional welding equipment, they have undergone many new upgrades and functional improvements, with stable light output. Usually, only gas and lenses are consumables, which are easy to replace and cheap to maintain. This also saves the factory a lot of maintenance costs.


  Overall, the effectiveness and efficiency of laser welding machines are providing assistance for stainless steel and carbon steel welding, not only improving their quality but also effectively saving costs. Laser welding machines can not only weld steel, but also be used for various metal materials, making them highly cost-effective!

  本文由 山東數(shù)控焊接設備 友情奉獻.更多有關的知識請點擊  http://www.yxxjq.com   真誠的態(tài)度.為您提供為的服務.更多有關的知識我們將會陸續(xù)向大家奉獻.敬請期待.

  This article is a friendly contribution from Shandong CNC welding equipment. For more related knowledge, please click http://www.yxxjq.com Sincere attitude. We provide you with comprehensive services. We will gradually contribute more relevant knowledge to everyone. Please stay tuned


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