




來源:http://www.yxxjq.com/  發(fā)布時(shí)間:2023-09-18 瀏覽次數(shù):0

1、 Equipment cleaning
Before and after each work, first clean the environment to make the ground dry and clean. Further clean the YAG laser welding machine equipment, including the outer surface of the chassis, observation system, and workbench, to ensure that there are no debris and cleanliness. Protective lenses should be kept clean.
2、 Cooling inspection
The maintenance of the cooling system mainly involves regular inspection of the cooling water quality. If the water quality deteriorates, becomes turbid, or the transparency deteriorates, it should be replaced with new water in a timely manner. Regularly check the water storage capacity in the water tank, and if the storage capacity is insufficient, add it in a timely manner. It is recommended to use deionized water or purified water for this system.
Regularly check if there is any leakage at the interface of each water pipe, and tighten the screws at that location until there is no leakage. When there is water leakage at the sealing point between the xenon lamp and laser rod and the cavity, the main cause is deformation or aging of the rubber sealing ring. After tightening the screws, the water still leaks. The rubber ring should be carefully checked, and if it has failed, replace the spare rubber ring.
3、 Check the optical path components of the laser welding machine
In order to ensure that the laser welding machine laser is always in normal working condition, after continuous operation or when it is stopped for a period of time, the components in the optical path such as YAG rod, dielectric film, and lens protection glass should be inspected before starting up, to ensure that each optical component is not contaminated. If there is any pollution, it should be promptly treated to ensure that each optical component will not be damaged under strong laser irradiation.
4、 Check and adjust the laser resonator
Equipment operators can frequently check the output spot of the laser using black imaging paper. Once any uneven or decreased energy spot is found, the resonant cavity of the laser should be adjusted in a timely manner to ensure the quality of the laser output beam. Debugging operators must have common knowledge of laser safety protection, and must wear specialized laser protective glasses during work. The adjustment of the laser must be carried out by specially trained personnel, otherwise it may cause damage to other components on the optical path due to laser misalignment or bias adjustment.


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