





來源:http://www.yxxjq.com/  發(fā)布時間:2021-11-09 瀏覽次數(shù):0


Welding methods can be roughly divided into building welding structure, storage tank and container welding structure, pipeline welding structure and conductive welding structure according to the object and purpose. The building steel structure we call includes these four types of welding structures. The selected structural materials are steel, and most of them are ordinary carbon steel and low alloy structural steel. Several welding methods of Shandong CNC welding equipment include manual arc welding, gas shielded welding, self shielded arc welding, submerged arc welding, stud welding, spot welding, etc.
Manual arc welding relies on the heat of the arc for welding, which is called arc welding. Manual arc welding is a kind of arc welding with manual welding rod. It is the most commonly used method in the welding of building steel structure.
The principle of manual arc welding is shown in Figure 7-1. The electrode and weldment are two electrodes that generate an arc. The arc generates a lot of heat to melt the electrode and weldment. The end of the electrode melts to form droplets, which are transferred to the base metal of the molten weldment to form a molten pool and carry out a series of complex physical metallurgical reactions. With the movement of the arc, the liquid molten pool gradually cools and crystallizes to form a weld.
在高溫作用下,冷敷于電焊條鋼芯上的藥皮熔融成溶渣,覆蓋在熔池金屬表面 ,它不僅能保護高溫的熔池金屬不與空氣中有害的氧、氮發(fā)生化學反應,并且還能參與熔池的化學反應和滲入合金等,在冷卻凝固的金屬表面,形成保護渣殼。
Under the action of high temperature, the coating cold deposited on the steel core of the welding strip melts into molten slag and covers the metal surface of the molten pool. It can not only protect the high-temperature molten pool metal from chemical reaction with harmful oxygen and nitrogen in the air, but also participate in the chemical reaction of the molten pool and infiltrate the alloy, forming a protective slag shell on the cooled and solidified metal surface.
窄間隙焊接本方法是利用已有的氣體保護焊的特別技術,具有焊接接頭的坡口截面面積比手工電弧焊或氣體保護焊的坡口截面面積小,這是本方法的特點 。
Narrow gap welding this method uses the existing special technology of gas shielded welding, and has the characteristics that the groove section area of the welded joint is smaller than that of manual arc welding or gas shielded welding.
Narrow gap welding can be carried out at the positions of flat welding, horizontal welding and vertical welding. The horizontal welding is suitable for the column joints on the project site. The flat welding and vertical welding are respectively suitable for the corner joints of box columns and the welding of columns and beams in the factory.
Stud welding is a method of heating and joining the local parts in contact with each other by applying welding current between the stud and the base metal. It is mainly used for the welding of shear connectors and concrete anchor bolts. In addition, it is also widely used for the installation of connectors of heat insulation materials and sound insulation materials.
The above contents are about Shandong CNC welding equipment http://www.yxxjq.com If you want to know more, please contact online customer service, and we will serve you wholeheartedly.


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