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產焊接過程電弧穩定,焊接飛濺小,焊縫成形好,焊縫質量高; 1.精細的焊接波形控制參數,焊接過程中參數以及引弧收弧參數,而且對各種參數調節方便并可自動智能化匹配比較好參數;
In the welding process, the arc is stable, the welding spatter is small, the weld shape is good, and the weld quality is high; 1. Fine welding waveform control parameters, parameters in the welding process and arc striking parameters, and it is convenient to adjust various parameters, and it can automatically and intelligently match better parameters;
2.具有一元化/分別調節式,調節方便,滿足不同使用習慣; 3,山東數控焊接設備.具有兩步、四步 、點焊三種操作模式。在大規范長焊縫焊接時,四步功能可降低焊工勞動強度和提高焊縫接頭質量;
2. It has a unified / separate adjustment mode, which is convenient to adjust and meet different usage habits; 3. Shandong CNC welding equipment has three operation modes: two-step, four step and spot welding. The four step function can reduce the welder's labor intensity and improve the quality of the weld joint;
工業六軸焊接機器人的好處及發展形勢 六軸機器人焊接的優勢是什么?雖然說機器人的成本在投資的時候非常大,但它的日常維護和消耗相對于它的產出遠比完成同樣任務所消耗的人工費用小。
Advantages and development situation of industrial six axis welding robot what are the advantages of six axis welding robot? Although the cost of the robot is very large at the time of investment, its daily maintenance and consumption are far less than the labor cost of completing the same task relative to its output.
Therefore, Shandong CNC welding equipment, in the long run, the production cost of products will be reduced. The reduction of robot price makes it easy for some small and medium-sized enterprises to invest in robots. Therefore, the application of industrial robots in all walks of life has been rapid development.
Welding robot is an industrial robot engaged in welding. According to the definition of ISO industrial robot as a standard welding robot, industrial robot is a multi-purpose, reprogrammable automatic control manipulator with three or more programmable axes.
用于工業自動化領 焊接機器人是集機械、計算機、電子、傳感器、人工智能等多方面知識技術于一體的現代化、自動化設備。焊接機器人主要由機器人和焊接設備兩大部分構成。機器人由機器人本體和控制系統組成,焊接設備以點焊為例,則由焊接電源、**焊槍、傳感器等部分。
Welding robot for industrial automation is a modern and automatic equipment which integrates mechanical, computer, electronic, sensor, artificial intelligence and other knowledge and technology. Welding robot is mainly composed of robot and welding equipment. The robot is composed of robot body and control system. The welding equipment, taking spot welding as an example, consists of welding power supply, welding gun, sensor and other parts.
效率高的產能運用率 因為非標自動化設備所選用的工藝和技能不同,它在工作的時分所發生的功效運用是十分大的,這是非標自動化設備的其它一個顯著優勢。這樣效率高的產能運用率肯定是確保工作功率的重要條件,也是確保產能的重要保證。
Because of the different process and skills used by non-standard automation equipment, the efficiency of non-standard automation equipment is very high, which is another significant advantage of non-standard automation equipment. Such efficient capacity utilization rate is certainly an important condition to ensure the working power, and also an important guarantee to ensure the capacity.
簡略的操作和運用 還有一個長處是非標自動化設備的操作運用比較簡單,工作人員經過簡單的學習就能運用和操作,也是十分便利的。簡單的操作能縮短工作時間,減輕工作人員的工作壓力,保證運用和設備的,是一個十分重要的優勢和特點。
Another advantage of simple operation and application is that the operation of non-standard automation equipment is relatively simple, and the staff can use and operate it after simple learning, which is also very convenient. Simple operation can shorten the working time, reduce the working pressure of staff, and ensure the safety of operation and equipment, which is a very important advantage and feature.
、、設備使用周期長 自動化設備均采用伺服電機驅動,間隙運作,因此比較省電;響應號召:,噪音低,無油壓;一次投入長期受益,配件更換率也
Environmental protection, energy saving, long service life, automation equipment are driven by servo motor, gap operation, so it is more energy-saving; respond to the call: environmental protection, low noise, no oil pressure; a long-term benefit from investment, the replacement rate of parts is also low